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Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849) was one of the greatest composers of Romantic era. That genius of French-Polish descent became one of the most popular pianist of his time. Today you can see documents concerning Chopin family.
Fryderyk Chopin was born on 1810 in Żelazowa Wola (Masovia district).
His family was 'devoted to music' - his father played violin and mother - piano.
Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2
Chopin - Fantaisie Impromptu, Op. 66

Fryderyk Chopin's baptism certificate in Latin.
Famous composer was born in Żelazowa Wola village, baptized in Roman Catholic church in Brochów.
Fryderyk Chopin was son of Mikołaj Chopin and Tekla Justyna Krzyżanowska. Mikołaj was of French descent.
That document is in Latin.

Baptism certificate for Tekla Justyna Krzyżanowska - mother of great composer. She was baptized in catholic parish of Izbica Kujawska.
She was a daughter of Jakub Krzyżanowski and Antonina Kołomińska.
Original language: Latin.

Marriage certificate for Fryderyk's parents - Mikołaj Chopin and Tekla Justyna Krzyżanowska.
Translation from Latin:
I, Ignacy Maryański, vicar of Brochów church, after announcing three banns, which were made on three Sundays before God's folks and because I haven't found any obstacle agaist that union, I conclude marriage bond between Mikołaj Chopin (occupation: tutor from Żelazowa Wola) and Justyna Krzyżanowska (maiden), I have concluded and blessed that marriage. Witnesses: Franciszek Grębecki and Karol Henke.
Mikołaj Chopin is 37
Justyna Krzyżanowska is 24

Fryderyk Chopin's parents - Mikołaj Chopin and Tekla Justyna Krzyżanowska

Mikołaj Chopin's death certificate, he was 75, died in Warsaw. Document is in Polish.

Catholic church, Brochów (Masovia district)

Fryderyk Chopin's sister's marriage certificate. Document is in Polish.
It all happened in Warszawa in Holy Cross Parish on 1834. Today is 8th of November. It's 6 o'clock p.m.
We make known, that today a religiouse marriage was concluded. The witnesses are: Wielmożny[1] Juliusz Dziewanowski, a citizen, who is 55 years old and Jaśnie Wielmożny[2] Fryderyk Count Skarbek who is radca stanu[3] who is 41 years old. They both live in Warszawa.
The groom is Wielmożny[4] Antoni Barciński, a bachelor, who is a teacher in Junior High School in Warszawa , who lives in Warszawa at Elektóralna street number 796 in St. Andrew Parish. He was born in Lublin. He is son of Walenty and Małgorzata. He is 31 years old.
The bride is Izabella Chopin who is a maiden. She lives with her parents in Warszawa at Krakowskie Przedmieście street number 409. She was born in Warszawa. Her parents are Mikołaj and Justyna. She is 23 years old.
The marriage was preceded by three banns in St. Andrew Parish and Holy Cross Parish on: 19th, 26th of October and 2nd of November. There was no obstacle. The new spouses declare that they didn't make a prenuptial agreement. There was an voral permission announced by bride's father who was present at the ceremony. And we've read this act of marriage to bride and groom, parents and witnesses. And it was signed by them.
In place of parish priest
Rev. Jan Pielanowski
A. Barciński
I. Chopin
Fryderyk Count Skarbek
M. Chopin
Juliusz Dziewanowski
[1] Salutation which is attributable to higher social stratums.
[2] Salutation which is attributable to knighted people.
[3] Clerical title in Russian Empire.
[4] Salutation which is attributable to higher social stratums.