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Maksymilian Kolbe was born in Zduńska Wola, which in the 19th century belonged to Russia (after 1918 it became part of reborn Poland). He was born on January 8, 1894, and was baptized the same day in the Roman Catholic parish in Zduńska Wola and was given the name "Rajmund".
Maksymilian Maria Kolbe (1894-1941) - Polish monk who sacrificed his life for his fellow man in the hell of Auschwitz. His extraordinary sacrifice and heroic, martyr's death, brought him to the altars. Today we present you the story of the family of St. Maksymilian Kolbe.
The parents of the future saint were: Juliusz Kolbe, a weaver by profession, and Marianna née Dąbrowska.
Juliusz Kolbe married Marianna née Dąbrowska in the church in Zduńska Wola on October 5, 1891. The groom, Juliusz Kolbe, a 21-year-old bachelor, was the son of Jan Kolbe and Helena née Grajdlich. This clearly indicates the German roots of Saint Maximilian. The bride, Marianna Dąbrowska, was the daughter of Franciszek Dąbrowski and Anna née Klinicka. Both newlyweds were born in Zduńska Wola. Their marriage certificate was written down in Russian in the church in Zduńska Wola.

This is a baptism certificate for Maksymilian Kolbe.
Source: Łódź State Archive, Poland
Archival Collection: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Zduńskiej Woli
Original language: Russian
Marriage certificate for Juliusz Kolbe and Marianna née Dąbrowska (Maksymilan's parent's) issued in 1891.
Original language: Russian

Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Zduńska Wola where Maksymilian's parents were married.

Marianna Dąbrowska's baptism certificate issues in 1870.
Original language: Russian
Source: Łódź State Archive, Poland
Archival Collection: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Zduńskiej Woli
Original language: Russian
As mentioned above, Juliusz Kolbe (father of Rajmund-Maksymilian) was the son of Jan Kolbe and Helena née Grajdlich. They were married on April 26, 1870 in the parish church in Zduńska Wola. The marriage certificate was written down in Russian in accordance with the law of the time. According to this document, the groom was the son of the late Paweł Kolbe and his wife Teresa, née Nisiger. He was born in the village of Izabelów (this village was under the Roman Catholic parish in the village of Korczew) in 1848. Paweł Kolbe was a weaver (linen maker). Paweł Kolbe died in the village of Stęszyce on September 17, 1854. His death certificate gives the names of his parents - Wawrzyniec (probably Laurentius) and Anna Kolbe, formerly residents of Almendorf in the Czech Republic, where Paweł (Paul) was also born.

Jan Kolbe and Helena Grajdlich's marriage certificate issued in 1870.
Original language: Russian
Source: Łódź State Archive, Poland
Archival Collection: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Zduńskiej Woli
Original language: Russian

Basic family tree (chart)
of the Kolbe family
Maksymilian's mother - Marianna Dąbrowska was the daughter of Franciszek Dąbrowski (Dombrowski), a weaver, and Anna Krystyna née Klinicka. Marianna's parents were married in the same church (Zduńska Wola) in 1850.

Marriage certificate for Franciszek Dąbrowski and Anna Klinicka issued in 1850.
Original language: Polish
Source: Łódź State Archive, Poland
Archival Collection: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Zduńskiej Woli
Original language: Polish
Franciszek's parents were Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Agnieszka. The marriage certificate from 1848 also states that the groom was born in Zduńska Wola around 1824. After a thorough analysis by our genealogist, it turned out that this was not true. Franciszek Dąbrowski was actually baptized in the Widawa parish in 1823. Franciszek's parents, Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Agnieszka née Grzybowska, were married in the Widawa parish church in 1819.

Marriage certificate for Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Agnieszka Grzybowska issued in 1819 in Widawa Parish.
Original language: Polish
Source: Łódź State Archive, Poland
Archival Collection: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Widawie
Original language: Polish

Dąbrowski basic family tree (chart)
Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to die in place of a man named Franciszek Gajowniczek in the German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II.
On 10 October 1982, Pope John Paul II canonized Maximilian Kolbe and declared him a martyr of charity.