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Listen to Polish National Anthem!
1. You can search for record by typing surname in a window "SEARCH".
2. Remember that this index was written out of old book - typist could make a mistake. If you have any questions - you can contact us.
REMEMBER: SCAN OF ACT CAN CONTAIN MORE INFORMATIONS, E.G. names of deceased sposuses, places of living, adnotations about first marriage, place of birth/death.
Do you need any Polish diacritic letters? You can copy them from here: ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ż ź
German here: ö ü
Do you have Polish roots?
Skałat - SKALAT - is a county town on Ukraine. It is on the banks of GNILA [ GNIŁA ] river. It was in Ruskie district. It was 80 kilometres to TARNOPOL.

Do you have roots in Poland?
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